Welcome to LoggedIn

Welcome to the LoggedIn project page hosted by Sourceforge. LoggedIn is a great and small system scripted in PHP that provides a user login system. Installiation of this system is simple and provides an easy way for webmasters to password protect pages and actions without the hassel of coding everything. All you have to do is upload the LoggedIn files to your website, set a few settings using our easy installation script.

LoggedIn also has a very strong encryption process to protect and secure sensitive data such as passwords. And with LoggedIn's security system, even if your database is compromised, no passwords can be revealed and the privacy of your users will remain intact. LoggedIn even provides a secure login addon to provide a very secure login.

LoggedIn can be tailored to fit your website's needs. With customizable themes your LoggedIn site will integrate with your website seamlessly as if you wrote the script! Developers can even create their own templates with our easy to learn theme system. For more on this system, please see the documentation.

LoggedIn provides a simple administrator pannel to manage all the options of your LoggedIn system. The management of each user to the options aviable to users can all be managed through this easy system that is protected with a special username and password you set.

The best thing is all of these great features and more are all packaged into one easy to use script that can fit on your site without wasting space. Everything you would ever need with a user login system is right here so why spend hours coding your own system? Download LoggedIn instead!

© 2009 LoggedIn under a Creative Commons Liscense